ux/ui • web design • branding
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About project
Stealth is a franchise of gaming computer clubs. The task was to pack the franchise. Website design, presentations and social networks.
The company approached me already with a certain vision of the design and color scheme that they wanted to adhere to
Already at the initial stage of work, we decided that first of all we need to make a company website, and only then design a brandbook.
Because there were a lot of partnership offers and it was necessary to simplify access to information about the company for future partners.
upon completion of the sites, I immediately started packing the franchise. This is a corporate presentation and a brandbook.
The presentation of the franchise includes detailed information that is already available on the website.
Also, in parallel with the main tasks, I did the design of social networks and other materials necessary for the work of the club.
Next project
logo • branding
social media